Hammered Trivia

Hammered Trivia HAS FOUND the best trivia teams in the Triangle in our third annual tournament!

How it Works

What are the main details?

Play Hammered Trivia at a participating location for the 10 week tournament.  Once the 10 week long tournament has concluded, if you're a "Top 3" team at a location you qualify to advance to the 2024 Triangle Trivia Tournament Finale, where you'll compete against the other Top 3 teams to determine who is the best trivia team in The Triangle!  The Tournament Finale winning team wins $1,000 and trophies.  Second Place wins $500 and trophies.  And Third Place wins $250 and trophies.

How do you place Top 3 during the 10 week tournament?

For ten weeks this summer we will keep track of your team's scores.  We drop the two lowest scores - add up the rest - to give your team a final score and see how you stack up against the other teams at your location.  In another words, for the 10 week tournament, we take your best/highest 8 scores, ignore the 2 worst.  The 3 Teams with the highest cumulative 10 week score advance to the Tournament Finale.

What are the dates?

The 10 Week Tournament begins Sunday July 7th and concludes on Thursday September 12th.  Then we will contact the Top 3 Teams from each location to ensure they have all the details and are registered for the Tournament Finale, which will be at noon on Sunday, September 29th (with Saturday the 28th as a backup/rain day).

What are the participating locations?

You'll find a list of participating locations just below this FAQ section.  They will be sorted by City/Town.

What happens if I miss a game/week?

We will drop the 2 lowest scores your team has during the 10 week tournament.  So whether your entire team is absent (and your score is 0) or you just had an "off" week and didn't do so hot, no worries!  You're still in this thing until the the final moments.  Pro Tip:  In previous years a few teams thought they were out of the running due to some high scores above them, just for one of the leading teams to unfortunately miss the final two games, allowing teams below them to pull off a come from behind win/finish.

Can I play at multiple locations (and double my odds of finishing Top 3)?

Hammered Trivia features two weekly games: Thunder and Lightning.  A list of locations and Thunder/Lightning designation can be found on our
homepage.  Some players like Hammered Trivia so much they participate in both a Thunder and Lightning game each week.  Your team is allowed to continue doing so, however, if you place Top 3 at the end of the 10 week tournament at both locations (a Thunder and a Lightning location) you may only represent 1 location/venue at the Tournament Finale, and the next team below the Top 3 will be moved up at one of the other locations at Hammered Trivia's discretion.  Your team DOES NOT have the option to "split into 2" and play as two teams in the Tournament Finale.

If my team can't make our "normal" trivia night, can we visit another participating location?

This is best explained with an example.  Team "Go Canes!" plays at Sneaky Penguin Brewing for 5 week's straight and has a pretty decent score.  Then during week 6, the majority of the team can't play trivia on Wednesday night so they go to a Tuesday game at My Way Tavern instead and try to talk the host into accepting that score as part of Sneaky Penguins Brewing Tournament score, because they don't want a 0 that week.  Sorry.  That's a no.  Only scores played at that location can be attributed to the venues tournament scores.  Don't forget, we drop your
2 lowest scores.

Are the rules different at the Tournament Finale?

Yes. In order to make the finale as fair as possible and to ensure integrity of the game, here are some important rules to consider for the Tournament Finale.  Maximium team size at the tournament finale is 6.  If you have more than 6 team members, they are allowed to join as a spectator but can not participate / sit with the team.  At the Tournament Finale we go "old school".  Paper and pen for answers.  No
phones/QR codes.  Electronic devices are not allowed/visible at ANY time during the rounds.  Players who must use the restroom during the round are permitted to do so but can not rejoin their team until that round is over.  There will be approximately 1 Hammered Trivia host per 5 teams playing keeping a close eye and constantly monitoring.  Folks, there's no "sugar coating" it.  There's no cheating happening at the Tournament Finale.  And you can expect the questions to be significantly harder. Remember, the Finale is the "best of the best". Any team found not complying with the rules will be disqualified from winning the tournament finale.

Are there prizes at the venues for the Top 3 teams at the end of the 10 week tournament?

There might be!  Should a venue choose to award the "Top 3" teams at the end of the 10 week tournament with anything beyond "sponsoring their trip to the tournament finale" that is at the discretion of the venue.

Are there any legal notices that I should probably know about?

Any team that collect a cash prize at the Tournament Finale may be required to fill out appropriate tax documentation.

Where in the world are 70+ teams going to comfortably play at the Tournament Finale?

Glad you asked!  We are excited to announce that Tap Yard will be the site of the Tournament Finale.  We anticipate being able to fit approximately 30 teams inside,  15 Teams outside beneath their big tent, with the majority of the remaining teams having a picnic table with included sun protection.  But just like with previous years, we encourage teams to bring their own canopy/chairs/tables if they are able to.  There will be multiple food vendors on site.  No outside drinks allowed.

How can I see my teams scores/standings during the 10 week tournament?

The scores for all the teams are accessible from a link at the bottom of this page. They will be sorted by location and updated each week.

Why isn't every Hammered Trivia location participating?

Participation in the tournament is up to the venue/location. The planning and execution of this tournament is a 6 month long process from start to finish with many moving parts. In addition, there is quite a bit of cost associated with this "game within a game", even beyond the obvious huge prize money. This tournament is completely sponsored/funded by the locations that choose to participate. Hammered Trivia is incredibly proud that the majority of our partner venues choose to participate but understand that a venue may opt not to for various reasons.

I play trivia at a venue that is partaking in the tournament that only features trivia every other week/twice a month.  How does that work?

Great question! Short answer:  We will only "drop" your one (1) lowest score over the 10 week period.
Long Answer:  These locations will likely only have 5 games during the 10 week qualifying tournament.  We will add up the scores for all the games that take place during the 10 week period (again, likely only 5 games) and drop your one lowest score.  So whether you miss one of the
games or just have a not-so-impressive score, that one lowest score gets dropped, the remainder is added up for your final total score.  The Top 3 Teams (3 highest cumulative scores) will advance to the Tournament Finale.

What happens in the event of a tie during the qualifying 10 weeks tournament?

During the tournament, if a tie breaker is needed to determine the winners of a gam,e the tie breaker simply acts as a way to determine who is collecting that night’s prizes / deemed the winner of that night.  There is no “point” collected for the tie breaker and this wouldn’t not change your daily score.  In the event that multiple teams final scores are tied for a “Top 3” spot after the 10 weeks qualifying tournament, the tie breaker is determined by your highest “dropped” score.

Participating Locations

  • Ba-Da Wings
  • Brixx Pizza
  • Compass Rose Brewery
  • Crank Arm Brewing Company
  • Gizmo Brew Works
  • Mordecai Beverage Company
  • My Way Tavern
  • Raleigh Brewing Company
  • Ruckus Pizza Mission Valley
  • Sneaky Penguin
  • Tap Yard
  • Vault Craft Beer
  • Durty Bull Brewing
  • Gizmo Brew Works Taproom 
  • Aperitif
  • Raleigh Brewing Company Arboretum
  • Komana Brewing
  • Bearded Bee Brewing Company
  • Farmhouse Cafe
  • JoCo Beer Company
  • The Beerded Lady
Holly Springs
  • Black Dog Bottle Shop 
  • My Way Tavern
Wake Forest
  • BlackBird Brewery 
  • Oaklyn Springs Taproom
  • Raleigh Brewing Distro

Looking for your qualifying scores, or scores from the finale?

Qualifying Rounds Finale Scores